Our clients have high demands and we give our guarantee, that we can meet these demands.
High competence, high quality and high capacity are important requirements in this industry.
We can meet those requirements thanks to the strength of our little organization, production flexibility, and our supply.
We have commitment, professional pride, job satisfaction and well-developed technology.
We offer a wide range of capabilities in compression, transfer and injection molding.
We also offer bonding rubber to metals and plastics and have the capabilities to create a rubber mixture suitable for your needs.
For more information please watch our video on the left or contact us.
The aim of AS Hevea is to produce products that satisfy the customers needs and at the same time are also environmentally friendly. We adhere to customer deadlines and coordinated supply conditions fully. Instead of eliminating nonconformities we prevent them.
We are continuously improving our manufacturing process so that the product is made to be environmentally friendly, complying with all applicable acts of the Republic of Estonia and all other relevant requirements. Management and employees are committed to using the tools and materials in an environmentally friendly manner. The aim is also to continually improve pollution prevention, cleaner production and customer service mindset.
AS Hevea
Gaasi tee 12, Lehmja
75306, Rae vald
Tel +372 6744888
Development and technology:
Teet Palmse
Mertsi Saarmann
Maidu Behrs
Stiven Palmse
Margo Laud
Toomas Elling
Urmas Heinrand
+372 5015778
+372 5177171
+372 5031832
+372 53490143
+372 5055249
+372 5059929
+372 5015779
teet@hevea.ee mertsi@hevea.ee maidu@hevea.ee stiven@hevea.ee margo@hevea.ee toomas@hevea.ee urmas@hevea.ee
AS Hevea
Gaasi tee 12
75306, Lehmja, Rae vald
Tel +372 6744888
AS Vasar Instrument
Kopli 5
10412, Tallinn
Tel +372 6413377
Vintrosa Gummi AB
SE-71991, Vintrosa
Tel +46 19164880